Quick intro
Reactive programming is an essential concept in Angular that allows you to write efficient and responsive applications. It involves programming with asynchronous data streams and using observables to subscribe to and react to data changes. Reactive programming can help simplify your code, make it more readable, and improve performance. Here are some useful things you can do with reactive programming in Angular:
1. Create reactive forms
Reactive forms are a way to handle user input in Angular. They provide a way to manage and validate user input as the user types. Reactive forms use the FormControl and FormGroup classes from the @angular/forms library, which are based on reactive programming concepts. You can create reactive forms by instantiating a FormGroup with a set of FormControls, and then subscribing to the valueChanges observable to get notified of any changes in the form.
- Grouping form controls
Forms typically contain several related controls. Reactive forms provide two ways of grouping multiple related controls into a single input form FormGroup and FormArray.

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2. Handle HTTP requests
Reactive programming can also be used to handle HTTP requests in Angular. The HttpClient module from @angular/common/http provides a reactive API for making HTTP requests. You can use observables to subscribe to the HTTP response and handle the data as it arrives. This allows you to write asynchronous and non-blocking code that is easier to reason about.

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3. Implement routing
Angular’s router module can be used with reactive programming to implement routing in your application. The router provides an Observable of the current route parameters, which allows you to react to changes in the URL and load different components based on the current route. You can also use the router events Observable to react to different events in the router, such as when the user navigates to a new page.

You can see the example on StackBlitz
4. Use reactive extensions
Reactive programming in Angular can be extended with reactive extensions, such as RxJS. RxJS provides a powerful set of operators and methods for working with observables, such as mapping, filtering, and combining observables. You can use these operators to transform, filter, and combine observables to achieve more complex behavior in your application.

You can see the example on StackBlitz
5. Implement real-time updates
Reactive programming is also useful for implementing real-time updates in your application. You can use WebSocket connections to create an observable stream of real-time data, which can be subscribed to and reacted to in real time. This allows you to create responsive and interactive applications that provide real-time feedback to the user.

You can see the example on StackBlitz
Reactive programming has many applications within the world of web development and Angular is no exception – making it possible for developers to create incredibly powerful applications that are both responsive and efficient. From creating dynamic user interfaces and streamlining data processing tasks, to utilizing multi-threading for improved performance – there are plenty of ways that you can take advantage of the power of reactive programming when building an Angular app! If you’re new to reactive programming in Angular, I recommend starting with the basics and gradually working your way up to more advanced concepts.